Increasing financial literacy among the population

Increasing financial literacy among the population BeaversBrothers

Interactive projects and websites
Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Central Bank of the Russian Federation

This work
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Non-commercial Projects


Many people have difficulty understanding financial issues, banking processes and services. Because of this, they frequently sign disadvantageous contracts, take out large loans, fall into the hands of scammers, or lose all their savings. The objectives of the project: • to increase levels of financial literacy among the population; • to warn people against financial errors; • to motivate people to make sound financial decisions; • and to spread the word about effective financial instruments.

Ideas and solutions

We have created a series of ten animated videos and banners. Each of them presents a difficult financial situation and provides advice on how to avoid it: • Assess your financial capabilities before taking a loan. • Make sure that your bank deposit is insured. • Read financial documents and contracts carefully. • Do not store money under the mattress. • Create a financial safety net. • Do not tell anyone the details of your bank cards and secret codes. • Do not go after the easy money. • Do not keep your PIN code where you keep your card. • Help retirees make sound financial decisions. • Do not hide from bank debts. We made the stories bright and humorous, featuring recognisable characters in order to attract and keep our audience’s attention. The videos are broadcast on large urban screens and screens in council one-stop shops, as well as in banks and governmental institutions.