Over the Horizon. Olympic torch

Over the Horizon. Olympic torch Максим Семенов

Interactive projects and websites
Samsung Mobile Russia

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Script Direction


This project appeared as a result of happenings around the Winter Olympics and the participation of athletes from Russia. The objectives of the project: to convey the brand's position regarding these happenings to Russian consumers

Ideas and solutions

Samsung Mobile Russia conducted an integrated campaign in Russia in the spring of 2017 built around the story of a blind traveler Alexander Zhuravlev showing that the possibilities of any person are endless. The story of Alexander was widely publicized - more than 700 media, including foreign publications, shared news about him and the Samsung project. The investigation conducted by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) of the circumstances of the Russian doping scandal was completed. Its conclusions put the participation of our athletes in the winter Olympics in Pyeongchang under the question. The Winter Olympics are traditionally loved by the majority of Russians, because our athletes tend to earn an impressive number of awards on it. The threat of the removal of our team caused a storm of resentment and a feeling of great resentment for the Motherland. There was a split in the Russian society: whether it is necessary to go to the Olympics, to broadcast it in Russia, perhaps it makes sense to hold its own, alternative Olympics. Samsung decided to recall the key principle of the Olympics - it should unite people. Alexander Zhuravlev went to Korea to bear the symbol of the Olympics - the Olympic torch. We shot a documentary video about Alexander Zhuravlev's trip to Korea and posted on Youtube 2 weeks before the start of the Olympics - just in the midst of public discussions. The time for publication was chosen in such a way that the topic raised by the video was "hot", and our video was noticed by Russian media. Results: • 3.7+ million views • Over 100 publications in the Russian media