Spartak Decipher

Spartak Decipher Брумель Юлия

Interactive projects and websites
PR and Brand, Service and Trade Mark Reputation Altering Campaigns


Nitto is famous Japanese tire brand with almost 70 years history. They signed sponsorship contract with most famous Russian football team Spartak. The target was to highlight this partnership among social media users and Nitto local website visitors.

Ideas and solutions

Nitto brand and football club Spartak they both are 70 years old. The idea was to highlight the history of this brands in extraordinary way. User is to choose the size of his tire to buy on the website. Different combinations of diameter, width and hight work as secret cypher. With this cypher user can reach secret facts from Spartak history (exactly the mechanics how football players gained a victory different games) and Nitto history (technologies and other facts how Nitto tire gain a victory on the road in the rainy and snowy weather). User's personal size of tire is the de-cypher for secret facts about Spartak and Nitto. After user get a secret fact, he can share it in his Facebook or Vkontakte page or order the tire he was searching