Norm Sugar

Norm Sugar Valeriy Penkoff

Interactive projects and websites
Non-commercial Projects
Studio T
Norm Sugar


Project objective: - to draw public attention to the problem - to calm and inform the first patients - give useful material - do not overload the site so that the reader is not tired

Ideas and solutions

Sugar is normal - the site to draw attention to the problem and the scale of diabetes. First of all, we have launched a website in Russian, but the translation into other languages are already engaged. To attract attention, we used simple colors, hand-drawn characters and svg animation. To soothe the first patients, we have drawn a few celebrities, showing that this disease can be coped with, kept under control and live a full life. All useful materials were made from scratch, communicating with patients, figuring out the needs and benefits. We tried to explain all the problems of the disease in an accessible language, motivate to monitor the sugar and presented the material in a friendly way. Behance —