

Corporate Sites
Development company dewis


The dewis team creates businesses from scratch, helps to find real estate objects and manages it, conducts sales and purchase transactions — all these are complex and voluminous services. It was important to competently and visually understand the diverse information, help the user to understand the topic. Previously, the dewis team worked under different brands, so it was important to tell how the brand had emerged. Moreover, it was important to convey the nature of the brand through design.

Ideas and solutions

— We Included in the design the main graphic element of the branding - a shape with a landscape grid inside. The shape transforms into an understandable convenient form. That's how we reflected the philosophy of the brand - a client can come to dewis with land or even just an idea, and get a working business. — We added dynamic shapes and a gradient that pass through the entire site and support the idea of transforming and turning land into a business. — We decided to focus on the content so we chose a black and white color scheme and a strict font. — We developed 20 sample pages for the presentation of various services, projects and materials of the company. We carefully thought out and developed the graphic elements that help to place accents, show diverse information, include video and photo content. — We developed a clear scheme of the stages of creating any project and considered its visual representation carefully. — We Included in the design of some pages emoticons, and made the 404 page entirely of them. This is how we showed that dewis, despite the seriousness of business, is a human-oriented brand that not only solves difficult problems, but is always open to the conversation with a client. — We placed a GIF on the "about the company" page that shows how the brand name was created