"Living Environment" — a forum in which the whole city participated

"Living Environment" — a forum in which the whole city participated CrosDigital

Social media
Brand Community Concept


"Living Environment" is a forum which was held in Saratov in 2017 became a stage for discussion of strategies for the development of Russian cities. The city was waiting for modernization in the framework of the urban renewal program, and the population was worried about it. The agency and organizers realized a comprehensive integrated campaign, through which it was possible to change attitudes towards the program of urban environment development at the level of not only single city, but country

Ideas and solutions

Annual forum "Living Environment", organized by Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, AHML (DOM.RF) passed in Saratov on May 13-15, 2017. The city has become a first platform for the development of a comfortable urban environment, the experience of which can be scaled to the whole of Russia. In 2017 Saratov became first city of the program development of comfortable city environment the experience of which can be applied to the whole Russia. Within the framework of the information support for the forum, the agency set a big goal: to involve in discussion the industry community and repeaters and mass media throw them for conception for an integrated and systemic approach to the development of the urban environment was needed. The communication strategy campaign based on: • Maximum openness - any interesting information was provided immediately to anyone who wished • Targeted impact - each audience received the correct information in the shortest possible way • Direct interaction - online communications channels combined with offline (meetings with urban population in various formats (informing, entertaining). The overall strategy was based on the integration of traditional and modern digital platforms, and the realization was 24/7. This is how we involved in communication the widest audience, including the professionals and ordinary citizens. The mix of channels was formed in such a way that it would be convenient for anyone to get comprehensible and reliable information, whether it was a forum participant, a resident of Saratov, an external expert, a journalist or a blogger. Such approach attracted the maximum number of participants and made the forum " Living Environment" the platform in which the whole city participated.