VELVET.MONEY Александр Мамонов
Velvet allows the visitor of an institution to quickly and importantly simply invest money in any institution, the services of which he uses.
Ideas and solutions
Velvet allows customers to save, investors to earn from the sale of bonuses, and venues to receive prepaid bills, generating a flow of loyal customers. At a first glance, the idea of bonuses is not new. But Velvet gives a customer an opportunity not only to actually buy discounts, but also monetize them, selling them to other customers. • Online payment in your favorite venues with a discount of up to 70%. • Purchase of deposits with a tangible bonus. • Earning from selling deposits at your price. • Map of categorized organizations of your city. • A catalog with the possibility to filter and sort organizations. • History of operations and calculation of your total benefits. • Selected list of organisations. How does the payment process work? 1) Opening the app. 2) Automatic detection of the organization where you are in, and if this function is disabled, selection of the organization from the list of available ones. 3) Entering a bill amount, receipt number and payment. The system will automatically buy back the necessary amount from investors or a venue at a minimum price. You will then see the bill with a significant discount