MAYSAKU Сафонова Евгения
The company exists since 2005, its jewelry are popular throughout Russia. However, the site, created a few years ago, looked outdated, web design trends have seriously changed over the years. We had to create a new design that could create competition for industry leaders. We also need to modify the services of the site to online purchase has become a simple and easy action
Ideas and solutions
The peculiarity of jewelry sites in the ease and simplicity of design. As if it is not visible, the jewelries themselves become an accent and a visual attractor of the design system. However, the simple placement of photos of goods in orderly rows causes boredom, the eye gets tired of looking at monotonous forms. So we created a block structure with elements of different sizes. Large create an emphasis on products that need to attract attention, smaller ones create the effect of diversity of the range. Could not resist and added to the website cinemagraph – photo of the girl in pearl necklace on a background of continuously moving the clock hands. Pearls are an eternal treasure, valued in the past and will also be valued in the future. As for the functionality of the site, we have created all the necessary attributes – filters on the parameters, user's personal account and discount system, online payment, its prices for jewelry for different regions of the country. After the launch of the updated site, it was not only the number of purchases through the site - more visitors come to the showroom, more people subscribe to the company's channel in Instagram. In online sales, regional coverage has increased.