
Insta-Granny Юлия Сафиулина

Special Projects
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Ad Campaign on Social Media


Is social media for young people only? Tele2 decided to destroy this stereotype and ran a large-scale advertising campaign «Add Granny to Friends» in the summer of 2018 (May-August). The campaign carried a social goal. Bringing young people’s attention to the situation, encouraging them to display more care and concern for their grandmothers and parents and help them figure out smartphones, social networking and stayed in touch with them more often.

Ideas and solutions

Idea: For this campaign we created a special project for social network «Insta-Granny» which would draw young people’s attention to how little contact we have with elderly people on social media. It would also generally increase the whole campaign’s reach due to connecting social media to the project. Realization: 1. We prepared quirky comments on various topics (food, entertainment, football etc.) that grandmas would actually write for their grandkids. For example: «Why do you need this sushi? I made you such a soup!», «Don’t go out late! I will be worried!» or «I’ve just seen Islanders on TV, such cutie pies. Have you met them?». 2. We created and filled five Instagram accounts for our «grannies» (fictional grandmas), placed the link to the project in profile bios and posted key visual of campaign. 3. For four weeks, our moderators were monitoring Instagram photos through the list of relevant tags and wrote relevant comments under their photos under aliases of various grandmas. If needed, they also liked users’ comments (replies) and replied back. Results: 1852 total number of comments from grandmas. 5407 visits of the grandmas’ profiles. 128 clicks on the project website from Instagram. 2,4% CTR. 331 replies to the grandmas’ comments.